15 December 2011

A Scarlet Lady

Further to my re-ignited love affair with London (I have spent my life toeing the line between love and hate, and a recent chance stumble upon a breaking dawn rooftop view of my home town has pushed me full on into London-love again, and I have spent the week reconnecting with my city) - ah, I haven't lost my knack of getting stuck inside brackets (I don't know why - I use too many brackets, always have. What a strange quirk to have. I think it's my propensity to have 'side thoughts'..)

Anyway, I stumbled upon an old Pogues track that I always thought was particularly beautiful, and the way I feel when I end up in an old pub in the wee hours.

As with Shane MacGowan's typically distinct style of singing - as if through a mouth full of ale (not sure it's a technique so much as a side effect of having a mouth full of ale..) - people often miss his knack for touching lyrics, on-point observations and his truly romantic turn of phrase.

Ah London, you're a lady, laid out before my eyes
Your heart of gold it pulses between your scarred up thighs
Your eyes are full of sadness, red busses skirt your hem
Your head-dress is a ring of lights but I would not follow them
Your architects were madmen - your builders sane but drunk
Among your faded jewels shine acid house and punk

You are a scarlet lady; your streets run red with blood
Oh my darling they have used you and covered you with mud
It was deep down in your womb, my love, I drank my quart of sin
While chinamen played cards and draughts
And knocked back mickey finns

Your piss is like a river, its' scent is beer and gin
Your hell is in the summer and you blossom in the spring
September is your purgatory - Christmas is your heaven
And when the stinking streets of summer
Are washed away by rain
At the dark end of a lonely street,
That's where you lose your pain
'Tis then your eyes light up my love
And sparkle once again.

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